The 6th Word of Christmas: Pause

This is the day. The day you’re told only packages shipped priority will make it in time for Christmas morning. The day you wonder if you’ll be able to get all the shopping and wrapping done before Santa is scheduled to slip down the chimney. The day you realize you haven’t taken time to enjoy a single moment of the season.

We so often miss the meaning of a moment because we’re so intent on making it perfect. In reality, there is really more beauty in a moment’s imperfection. It’s called spontaneity (perhaps a word for next year’s 12 Days of Christmas?). Most importantly, those around you have no idea that you had higher aspirations than you actually achieved!

Stop. Listen. Watch. Smell the cookies in an oven. Hear the soft strains of a carol. See the smiles of wonder on children’s faces. Those are the moments to remember.

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