“I hate memorizing dates!” If I had a nickel every time someone told me that when I asked them if they like history, I’d be writing this on a 50 foot yacht. Two truths: 1. There’s more to history than dates (and you don’t have to memorize them); 2. Knowing history is crucial.
The first truth is another way of saying don’t get hung up on dates. The “what” and “why” of an event is more important than the “when.”
The second truth could fill pages. But to keep your attention, I’ve boiled it down to three reasons knowing history is crucial. Why? Three BIG reasons.
REASON #1: What’s happening right now, at this moment, is the sum total of what has preceded it. You are you because of the experiences you’ve had. The same is true about America and the world. If we learn a little history, we have the potential to change a little of the world. Learn a lot, change a lot.
REASON #2 (and this one gives me shivers): all the explorers and scientists and politicians were REAL people. For better or worse, they were made of skin and bones and blood just like us. That tells us that ANYONE can be great or evil. I prefer to take this point as positive reinforcement for doing good rather than seeing the reverse.
REASON #3: (and this one also gives me shivers): the choices we make today will become history for the next generation (this also gives me shivers). We actually have a say in what the future looks like. That’s exciting, but also a tremendous responsibility. Choose wisely.
Bottom line, whether you call it his-story or her-story, it’s important to keep learning the stories! I’d love to hear your thoughts.