Here Comes the Sun

AAugust is my birthday month. If you’re a member of my tribe (family, friends, my dog) you know that, for me, birthdays are shear joy. And not just because of presents, although I’m always up for large, expensive jewelry. Birthdays – unlike holidays – are the one day each year that the focus is on us (along with the other 20 million people in the world born the same day). 

I don’t mean that to sound, well, like its all about me. Yes, I admit to joy in seeing how many people hit me up on Facebook. But I like to make a party as well as be the recipient of one. I love whipping up the perfect meal, to be consumed by the birthday boy or girl in  the company of friends and family.

There’s another factor, too. I think birthdays are a much better time to get perspective on where we are in our lives. New Year’s Day might be the typical go to for resolutions, but there’s SO. MUCH. PRESSURE! Birthdays allow us to count our blessings and plan out our next year or decade without being blasted by all the resolution commotion. 

It’s also a time I remind myself that my ticket for the annual trip around the sun has limited punches. I don’t mean to be morbid; quite the opposite. Without being irresponsible, I’m not putting off items on my bucket list. I’m using the good china. I might wear my wedding dress to the grocery store and my Dorothy costume to get my nails down. Why not?

The above quote appeared in my life exactly when I needed to see it. I read it five times that day and now have it on my office memo board. I’m also taking it to heart during my next trip around the sun. Happy birthday to you all, whenever it is!

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